What are the best treatments for dealing with excess skin? | Aesthetics Lab

A 2014 study into the psychological impact of the excess skin that occurs after rapid weight loss, reported that the women interviewed found excess skin distressing and uncomfortable. Losing the weight they had needed to lose had only signalled the beginning of their problems.

With a healthy weight attainment being promoted by governments around the world, more and more people are losing their extra lbs only to find they’re still dragging around unnecessary weight, in the form of excess skin, that is virtually impossible to shift without professional treatment.

Extra folds of skin are not just unsightly and make suitable clothes hard to find, which will cover them, but they also introduce new health problems of their own. Fungal or viral infections are common between the folds, given the difficulty in keeping this area clean and dry, and this weighty excess skin can also cause back pain.

So, if diet won’t shift your excess skin in St John’s Wood and you can’t exercise because of it, what’s the answer? Surgery is obviously possibly, but it’s costly, invasive and you’re likely to have a long recovery time, with scarring and a risk of complications. Or, you could book yourself in for a consultation at our London practice to take a look at the effective non-surgical options we offer.

How do radio frequency and acoustic waves get rid of excess skin in St John’s Wood?

We can provide both radio frequency therapy and acoustic wave treatment. Both treatments melt fat cells. The radio frequency works by heating the fat cells and the acoustic waves work through putting pressure on the fat cells. The main difference between the two types of waves produced by the handheld devices is the frequency. The device that will best suit your requirements will be assessed by an experienced practitioner, who will be able to give you all the information you need and answer the questions you may have about the two treatments.

Whether you have bulges you need flattened, skin laxity as a result of ageing on the face or décolletage, you want to get rid of cellulite or you need to remove serious amounts of excess skin, we can help. Our experienced and professional practitioners can give you a younger looking figure with tighter skin, created by increasing your collagen levels, whilst improving your lymphatic drainage.

Don’t suffer in silence, in the mistaken belief that you have to put up with your excess skin, because you really don’t. Give the Aesthetics Lab a call today about your excess skin in St John’s Wood and find out about the significant changes we can make to your figure. We can rejuvenate you, give you a more flattering, comfortable figure and put the spring back into your step.



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