AWT Cellulite Treatment London by Aesthetics Lab


According to scientific studies, between 85% and 95% of women are affected by cellulite at varying stages throughout their life. Typically found on the hips, bottom, tummy, and thighs, cellulite can hit as early as puberty for both women and men.

  • Clinically-proven solution for cellulite
  • Quick & pain-free with no downtime
  • Ideal for hard & oedematous cellulite

No. of sessions

Treatment time
30 – 60 Mins

Recovery time

What is the AWT Cellulite Treatment?

Hard cellulite, often seen in younger clients, is one of the first signs of developing cellulite that can appear as early as the teenage years. It is bumpy, often likened to orange peel in appearance, and doesn’t shift or change with body movement. Distinctly, oedematous cellulite is usually the result of several health issues.

Difficult to treat, it is induced by circulatory problems and fluid retention. Seen most typically in the thighs, knees, and calves, oedematous cellulite can cause the legs to lose their defined shape.

No matter whether you are suffering from hard or oedematous cellulite, Aesthetics Lab can target the signs and symptoms of both skin conditions. Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT) uses acoustic energy to provide a dual-faceted approach to the elimination of cellulite.

Transformed to heat, acoustic energy capably breaks down fatty deposits under the skin. Concurrently, this encourages collagen production and lymphatic drainage, naturally enhancing the skin tone and texture of the treated area.

Complemented by strengthened connective tissues, the condition’s infamous dimpling is reduced as cellulite fat deposits are prevented from pushing through to form protrusions.

What can we treat with acoustic wave therapy?




Book your free consultation


* Results may vary

Treatment step-by-step

Step 1: Consultation

Nothing is more important to Aesthetics Lab than your health and wellbeing. During your AWT consultation, one of our qualified aestheticians will speak with you regarding your medical history to rule out any possible contraindications. This is a great opportunity to ask us any questions that you may have. We will always answer openly, with honesty.

Step 2: During your treatment

Before we begin your AWT treatment, your aesthetician will take photos of your treatment area for your medical records and help us chart your progress. Your treatment will then begin with a lymphatic drainage massage to increase circulation. AWT energy is delivered directly via a probe, which is held carefully against your treatment area. The procedure ends with a closing lymphatic drainage massage and anti-cellulite cream

Step 3: After the treatment

Following your AWT treatment, we recommend drinking plenty of water and taking a short 30-minute walk on the day of your treatment. This will speed up your metabolism and encourage optimal lymphatic drainage and toxin elimination. Most clients do not experience adverse side effects after receiving AWT. Always follow aftercare advice, as provided by Aesthetics Lab.

Frequently Asked Questions

What areas can AWT treat?

Acoustic Wave Therapy is a versatile treatment that is often used on areas prone to cellulite and stubborn fat. This includes, but is not limited to, the inner and outer thighs, buttocks, saddlebags, hips and abdomen.

Will I lose weight with AWT?

While Acoustic Wave Therapy can help to sculpt and contour the body, it is not a weight loss solution, rather a fat reduction procedure. At Aesthetics Lab we encourage our clients to adopt a healthy lifestyle to maximise results.

© 2025 Aesthetics Lab.

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