Is what the media says about Wrinkle reduction true? | Aesthetics Lab

Looking for Wrinkle reduction treatment in St John’s Wood? You’ll need to make sure you choose a professional, trustworthy practitioner. The media is full of horror stories about wrinkle fillers, because horror stories sell papers, but Wrinkle reduction is only ever harmful in the hands of an ill-trained or inexperienced practitioner. The treatment has been used cosmetically since it was approved by the FDA in 2002, but medically for a lot longer.

There are minimal risks involved and as long the person in charge of administering your Wrinkle reduction is making every effort to reduce the potential of you being exposed to those risks, you will be thoroughly happy with your new look and experience no side effects. Let’s have a look at some of the stories which have hit the national press recently with a view to separating the facts from the fiction:

What the media says

  • In July of this year, the BBC reported a story about customers who were receiving painfulWrinkle reduction treatment in a ‘bogus’ nurse’s kitchen. Wrinkle reduction is not painful when it is administered using ultra-fine needles, such as we use here at our St John’s Wood practice. We will also provide you with a numbing, local anaesthetic cream, on request.
  • An AmericanWrinkle reduction practice was convicted of buying Wrinkle reduction which was non-FDA approved. Obviously, injectables which have not been approved by the FDA may expose customers to unnecessary risks for the sake of a practice’s profit margins. Here at the Aesthetics Lab, we purchase all our Wrinkle reduction from reputable sources, to ensure it is of the highest quality.
  • Many celebrities have been accused of having ‘too much.’ This is probably the most common complaint of Wrinkle reduction users in the press. Experienced practitioners, such as our own team members, use a lightness of touch to ensure that enough Wrinkle reduction is used to achieve great results, but not enough to fully paralyse the muscles of your face and prevent you from making the everyday expressions, you’re used to making. We will never give you too many fillers. Our philosophy is less is more.
  • The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons released a press release in August of this year, claiming thatWrinkle reduction is the most popular non-surgical treatment available, with 4.5millionWrinkle reduction treatments being administered in 2015 alone. Once customers start having wrinkle fillers, they can’t believe how much longer they look, in a natural way. It’s unsurprising that Wrinkle reduction use is on the increase.

Wrinkle reduction is safe

There are a few risks involved with wrinkle fillers. We would be irresponsible if we agreed to treat you without explaining all the risks. It’s important to us that you make your decision from a fully informed point of view. That said, the risks are minimal and we do everything we can to prevent them. How can you trust what you read? There are a lot of different Wrinkle reduction practitioners online promoting their services. We don’t want you to choose us off the internet. We want you to come in and meet us and see our genuine qualifications and work with your own eyes.

You may feel apprehensive about the first treatment, but as happens with almost all our customers, once you see the results, you won’t be able to imagine life without it. Understanding Wrinkle reduction treatment in St John’s Wood is key in making your decision, so why not come and have a free consultation with us. We can give you all the information you need and answer all your questions.


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